We are delighted that you have come to the Swarthmore Friends Meeting website. We encourage you to explore its pages and learn more about our caring community. We also invite you to join us for worship any Sunday morning at 10:00 am. In addition, please come to one of our Religious Education forums, or one of our many other activities.
We welcome all
We welcome all who come as spiritual seekers to share in worship and participate in the activities of our life together. We celebrate diversity in its many forms, and strive to nurture and sustain a loving fellowship where all feel welcome.
What you will find when you arrive
A Meeting member will greet you at the door. At the nearby Welcome Table you may sign our visitor form and make a nametag. The door greeter will show you the way to the Meeting room where we worship. If you arrive between 9:30 and 10 am, you are invited to join the group singing hymns around the piano in the Meeting room. Shortly before 10, people begin settling quietly on the benches to begin worship. Click here to learn more about our worship service.
What do children do while adults are in Meeting for Worship?
We have activities for children of all ages. There is childcare for pre-school children and First Day School (Sunday School) for children ages 5 to 12. The door greeter can introduce you to the teachers and childcare providers. Children are also welcome to attend Meeting for Worship with their parents. Learn more
Visitors are invited to join us in all activities
We encourage visitors to join us during fellowship time after Meeting to get to know us better over refreshments and conversation. We also invite you to read the upcoming events listed on the homepage and to visit our Get Involved page to learn more about specific activities that might interest you.
Committment to Marriage Equality
Swarthmore Friends Meeting has had a committment to marriage equality since the year 2000. Learn more…
Our level entrance from the Whittier Place circle provides wheelchair access to our Meeting room. Our restrooms are also wheelchair accessible. A chair lift provides access up half a flight of stairs to classrooms and rooms where social activities are held. Hearing assistance devices are provided during Meeting for Worship.
Have questions? Want to talk one-on-one with a Quaker?
We would be happy to talk with you further about our Meeting and the Quaker faith, and answer any questions you may have. To speak with someone, please contact the Meeting office at meeting@swarthmore.edu or 610-328-8699. Click here for directions to the Meetinghouse.