Swarthmore Friends Meeting strives to serve the spiritual needs of all members, including the youngest. Families will find programs, support structures, and service opportunities for children of all ages.
Explore the links below to learn more. Also visit our calendar for listings of school-year family programs and events. During the summer, childcare is available during Meeting for Worship for children of all ages.
First Day School (Sunday School) and other programs for elementary-school children are held concurrently with Meeting for Worship during the school year. Learn more
Childcare is provided for younger children during Meeting for Worship. Learn more
Middle School & High School Friends are encouraged to take part in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting activities. Learn more
Our “Minute of Intent: Recognizing Children as Partners” explains our philosophy of relating to children. Learn more
We invite you to contact us. We will be delighted to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.
When you visit the Meeting, please stop at the Welcome Table, sign our visitor form and introduce yourself. This will help us get to know you, and direct you to the programs that serve your needs.